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Cheshire 100 Member Spotlight: Encirc

Encirc, a leader in glass container manufacturing and filling, has become a valued partner of the Cheshire Community Foundation and an active member of the Cheshire 100 Supporters Club. Encirc’s journey with us began in December 2019 with a wine donation for an event at Combermere Abbey. This initial (and very welcome!) gift was followed by their generous contribution to the COVID Fund in May 2020, marking the beginning of a strong and impactful relationship.

In 2021, Encirc officially joined the Cheshire 100, quickly becoming an integral part of our community, supporting our annual Christmas raffle. The partnership continued to flourish as they joined the ForCheshireWest Fund in May 2022, contributing £40,000 to the fund, which has since grown to an impressive £273,000 thanks to their fellow local donors, supporting 43 community projects and directly benefiting over 8,700 individuals.

Encirc’s commitment to social impact took a significant step forward with the establishment of the Green Shoots Programme in November 2023. This initiative focuses on enhancing access to green spaces and promoting outdoor activities for those who face challenges accessing them. Encirc has also been instrumental in environmental conservation, aiming to maintain and improve local habitats, aligning their business values with broader community sustainability goals.

In December 2023, Encirc generously hosted the Cheshire 100 Christmas party at their Chester offices, providing a festive and welcoming space for members to connect, celebrate, and reflect on the year’s achievements. The event not only fostered stronger relationships within the business community but also highlighted Encirc’s commitment to supporting the wider goals of Cheshire Community Foundation.

The benefits of joining the Cheshire 100 have been mutual. Encirc has not only opened the door to meaningful social impact opportunities but also expanded their network, introducing four new members to CCF and strengthening ties with other local businesses. Their active staff engagement, which raised over £11,000 through fundraising efforts, demonstrates how deeply their team is committed to making a difference.

Encirc’s journey with their local community foundation exemplifies how businesses can enrich their communities while fostering strong networks and exploring new avenues for social responsibility. Their ongoing support continues to empower grassroots projects across Cheshire, making a lasting impact on those most in need.

We are aiming to reach 100 members of our supporters’ club by Christmas. Read more about that here.


To join the Cheshire 100, or nominate a contact, fill in our online form here and we’ll be in touch to follow up.