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Portrait of Generosity

A guest post written by Amelie Brook

Every Friday morning I go to a reformer Pilates class with my mum and auntie. However, one of these Friday mornings last year, our close friend Zoe Sheppard, a trustee at Cheshire Community Foundation, came to the class and joined us for coffee afterwards. I had no idea an amazing opportunity was about to arrive.

At the time, I had recently dropped out of uni, having decided that it wasn’t for me. I have always loved painting and drawing since pre-school, with my final A-Level piece being selected to be in the Royal Academy of Arts’ Young Artist Summer Show in 2022. I also loved English Language and Literature, so I was always torn between pursuing my art or my writing. I got into Newcastle to do both English Literature and Language but quickly realised that the course wasn’t right and I had ventured too far from Cheshire!

When we took a seat in King Street Kitchen in Knutsford, it felt like divine timing. Zoe told me about a particularly fabulous lady, Carol, and her ‘gift to Cheshire.’ She had decided to donate her entire estate to her local community foundation, to benefit the county of Cheshire that is her home. By the time our coffees arrived, Zoe had the idea of recognising Carol and her generosity by giving her a portrait painted by me. It was ideal; I could use my paintbrush to give myself something to work towards while giving back to Cheshire and honouring someone as amazing as Carol. This piece would not only support a young artist just starting out but also inspire people through Carol’s generosity and the positive impact it can bring about.

As we paid up, a meeting with myself, Carol, and Zoe was organised to bring this idea to life. I met with these two wonderful women at the Lambing Shed and instantly understood why Zoe was so passionate about Carol. She truly is admirable. Here’s what Carol had to say about her journey and decision:

Why did you decide to donate your entire estate to Cheshire Community Foundation?

“I think if you ask anyone about leaving a legacy, they would all say that deciding who should benefit from your estate can be a challenge; it is certainly a sensitive topic. I have no children of my own, so I needed to step back and decide what I should include in my Will. I live with my husband Bill, and he has two children from his first marriage. We have our own money and different ideas about what to do with it, so when we reviewed our Wills during Covid, it took time to crystallise exactly what I wanted to do. I knew that I would find the right solution for me personally.

My younger brother is a successful business owner and has two children who are both successful in their own right. I’ve taken the stance that they have more than enough, which opened up the opportunity for me to consider leaving a legacy I could be proud of — to support causes close to my heart beyond my lifetime.

With that in mind, I took time to research organisations that resonated with my values and had a proven track record of making a difference. I came across an article that talked about leaving a legacy to be proud of and making a difference. That led me to Cheshire Community Foundation.”

Why did you choose to donate to Cheshire Community Foundation in particular?

“I am familiar with the work that is being done by the community foundation. I was invited to sit on the Grants Panel a few years ago and am still able to use my expertise to assist with grant-making in the Cheshire area. This has given me real insight into the robustness of the processes and the professionalism of all the staff and volunteers who support the foundation.

With the support of the Development Director, I was able to complete the necessary ‘Letter of Wishes’ to begin the process. Pledging my estate to the foundation as a legacy gift meant I didn’t need to worry about what would happen to my inheritance, and the family were all in agreement with my wishes. I had considered involving my nieces by setting up some kind of fund they could manage, but I quickly dismissed this when I talked to the community foundation. With their local knowledge and expertise, they will ensure my legacy benefits those in need. It takes the pressure off my family and provides a cost effective and flexible way of donating to causes close to my heart, both in the short term and for many years to come.”

What are your goals for your donation?

“In the back of my mind, I wanted to support organisations and provide funding to those most in need. I think back to my mother, who was housebound due to disability in Leicestershire. In her final years, my parents were able to reconnect with the local church and access social support through charity-funded initiatives in her village. I wanted to make that kind of difference here in Cheshire.

With the community foundation’s support, my legacy will hopefully benefit the elderly in Cheshire, who are often isolated. The foundation has a track record of well-thought-out programmes that ensure the elderly feel part of their community. The other aspect of my legacy is for the health, well-being, education, and skills of young people. For over twenty years, I’ve been involved in financial education for young people in schools and colleges across Cheshire and North Wales. While I like to think I’m making a difference now, my legacy will continue to do so through the foundation’s education-funded programmes.”

What are the benefits of putting a charity in your will?

“Well, the obvious one is that gifts to UK-registered charities are usually exempt from Inheritance Tax. Fingers crossed this doesn’t change! But it’s also my personal legacy, providing much-needed financial support to organisations and extending my values and passions beyond my lifetime. It’s something I can feel proud of.

Painting Carol was challenging but extremely rewarding. I did the piece in oil paint; it’s by far my favourite medium. The grand reveal was on April 24th at the annual awards evening. Seeing Carol’s emotional reaction made every effort worthwhile.”

How did it feel to receive the painting? What was your reaction?

“When Zoe Sheppard shared with me her thoughts on commissioning you, Amelie, to do a painting as a thank you for my gift, I was taken aback. After meeting you and seeing the work you’ve created, I needn’t have been concerned! You asked me to source a photograph, which led to hours of trawling through endless memories from holidays. I was shocked when I first saw it at the President’s Awards 2024 event and became emotional. I had arrived early and spotted it immediately. The painting is superb, and I am in awe of your talent. It now has pride of place in my office at home. I feel very, very honoured.”

How did it feel to have a portrait painted of you?

“Wow, what a special gift. I was so impressed with the portrait. My husband Bill was astonished at the quality and likeness. The intricate detail is stunning, from the fabrics to the wallpaper and jewellery. It is a stunning piece, Amelie. I feel so proud to share this with family and friends and hope we get to see more of your work in the years to come.

That reformer class opened many doors for me as a young artist and, more importantly, for the people of Cheshire. Carol’s generous gift will make a significant difference. I hope her gesture inspires others to consider the impact their legacy could have by supporting the community foundation. Leaving a gift in your will can help fund vital programmes that make a lasting impact on our community, ensuring the most vulnerable are cared for now and in the future.

If you feel inspired by Carol’s story, Cheshire Community Foundation can help guide you through the process of leaving a gift in your will, creating a lasting legacy for Cheshire. Contact to find out more.

Amelie’s Instagram and TikTok are @ameliebrookart and Facebook is Amelie Brook Art. Email: