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Evolving our grant-making

We’re checking in on our grant-making strategy.

We’ve taken the first steps to map our existing grant-making priorities against the Sustainable Development Goals, and we hope our donors, grant partners and their beneficiaries can begin to recognise the incredible work they are doing as so very much more than ‘just’ grassroots support for local people; but as part of a movement which is building the tomorrow we want and need to see.

This is the start of a process, and we now need the help of our grant partners, local stakeholders and the wider community to further deepen this picture of evolving need in Cheshire and Warrington today, and your perspective on the unique way in which our grant-making should make a difference.

Read our desktop review of data on need in Cheshire and Warrington.

Give us your views on need in your community to inform our work on grant-making by our place-based funds.