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Corporate Fundholders
Corporate Fundholders

Fund Holders

Corporate donors are our partners, selecting the priority needs which fit their values and purpose. It’s an incredible way to ‘walk the walk’ of your business’ ideals. If your organisation would like to do the same, contact us.

How it works
  • Funds of £10,000 or more
  • Select which priority needs and/or geographies align with your values
  • When a grant application is a good fit, we’ll offer it to you to fund
  • We do all the due diligence and risk assessment
  • You can visit projects you’ve funded and meet charities you’ve helped
  • We monitor outcomes and give you an annual impact report

Sign up for our

Our quarterly e-Newsletters are where we share
news, stories, appeals, events and details of grants.

Your details will only by used by Cheshire Community Foundation – we never
share details with other organisations and you can unsubscribe at any time.

  • * Required fields

Our Corporate
Donors And Partners

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