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Space4Autism Building Brighter Futures

Brighter futures on the horizon for young people across the UK as new Community Fund launches

The Building Brighter Futures Fund, which helps give younger generations across the UK a better life, has donated £10,000 to Space4Autism to support children with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC).  

Space4Autism, known for its collaborative efforts with Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, social services, special educational needs and disability teams, and various other organisations, is dedicated to providing assessment, diagnosis, and support for children and adults with autism. 

The £10,000 donation from the Building Brighter Futures Fund will be instrumental in supporting Space4Autism’s Saturn Saturdays, a social skills club tailored for children aged 8-11 on the autism spectrum. This out-of-school initiative offers a dynamic platform for children to explore new activities, acquire skills, and uncover hidden talents. Operating in a safe and nurturing environment, Saturn Saturdays aim to foster relationships without prejudice, providing children with an opportunity to develop confidence at their own pace. 

The Building Brighter Futures Fund was launched last month by Cheshire Community Foundation (CCF), in partnership with global leaders in sustainable materials, EMR. The Fund awards grants to UK charities offering employment and educational, or health and social care opportunities to young people in local communities.  

Mel Sproston, CEO at Cheshire Community Foundation said: “We understand the challenges that our communities face and work tirelessly for better opportunities for all. Thanks to the Building Brighter Futures Fund, we are able to invest in Space 4 Autism and its initiative to enhance the skills and career prospects of young people across Warrington.”

We’re extremely grateful to The Building Brighter Futures Fund for the generous donation of £10,000. This money will not only facilitate the smooth running of Saturn Saturdays, but also contribute to reducing the long waiting list, ensuring more children with autism in the local community can benefit from this unique programme.

Cheryl Simpson
CEO Space4Autism

At EMR, we have a long-standing commitment to making a positive impact in our communities. Through our Building Brighter Futures Fund in partnership with Cheshire Community Foundation, we are delighted to be able to support Space4Autism. “As Saturn Saturdays is the only dedicated group for children on the spectrum in the area, this funding is crucial in supporting the expansion of this vital service and fostering brighter futures for children in Macclesfield.

Lee Skarratt
North West Area Manager at EMR

EMR, a global leader in sustainable materials, is committed to effecting positive social change in the communities it serves, and has more than 60 sites across the UK alone. Space4Autism, is located in close proximity to a number of EMR’s North West metal recycling facilities. 

The Building Brighter Futures Fund is now accepting applications for funding.  

Building Brighter Futures Fund | Building Brighter Futures Fund

Building Brighter Futures by EMR 2024 Grants Programme – Cheshire Community Foundation

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