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President’s Awards 2024

Five local charities were honoured by Lady Redmond MBE, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Cheshire and President of Cheshire Community Foundation, at her annual President’s Awards event, this year at The Lion & Swan in Congleton. 

After a charity has applied for a grant, passed through our rigorous due diligence and assessment process, received the funds and then carried out their project, they complete a monitoring report, detailing how they spent the grant, what the outcomes were and what the impact has been on the people they’ve helped. This report is checked against their original aims from the grant application, and all the evidence provided is taken into account to give a monitoring score – excellent to poor.

Each year, we look at all the projects that scored either excellent or very good, and each CCF team member votes for the projects that they feel had the biggest impact.

This year, slightly differently to previous years, we asked ClickedbyKate to visit each winning project and capture the essence of what they do in a short film – all five of which can be viewed below.

Our annual President’s Awards is our way of thanking our donors, while celebrating the incredible work of local charities in the last year. It’s always a challenge to single out the winners, but this year’s case studies were particularly inspiring. From supporting survivors of domestic violence who are D/deaf, to LGBTQ young people, to a baby group at an older people’s centre; these charities are reaching people in our communities whose experiences can otherwise remain hidden, their stories untold. Their work enables people to lead more fulfilling, safer, independent lives, creating a Cheshire and Warrington where all of us can thrive. The support of our donors makes all this possible, so we’re tremendously grateful to those generous people and businesses.

Mel Sproston
CEO Cheshire Community Foundation

View the full photo gallery here

Read about the winners here:


Koala North West

